martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

comic books in real life

Since the end of Nineteenth Century, comic books began to reflect the deficiencies about the society, but also were strong resources for propaganda and patriotism in the World Wars. In cases like Captain America, Superman and Batman, who were the symbols for the defense of americans principles. With this new way for justifying wars and crimes in them.

Comic books have become  in most of the cases an attempt to society in terms of human rights, and then, in nearer years, the eternal search of post-modern art, the true realista, and the emergent current of existentialism, where the question of the meaning of living was an imperative. I think that comic books grow with society as a reminder of  the deficiencies of it. However, the Western world prefers to see these characters that represents the archetypes of their societies, because humankind is a specie that needs a model for follow the moral and ethical rules imposed by themselves.

Nowadays, comic books are seen as an artistic expression, trying to corrupt the first function given by the first comic works, a propaganda for the super world powers  or even to criticize an ideology, such  as some Disney’s animations, that satirize the nazi education and social darwinism.  I consider that the meaning of comic books have changed among the time, because of the individualism and the political issues are seen in a different perspective, an artistic perspective that promotes the corruption of the stories, imposing the inking, graphics and editions, but also it made a new subculture that overvalue and defends the revolution of comic books.


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