sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Macbeth is a real boy!

Macbeth is one story that can be translate in real life, because its characters have virtues and defects really approach to the real human being behavior and existential problems. Despite of the contractions and the antique language, Macbeth is a great story that can make the human thinking grow in terms of ethics and the "cause and effect" law. 

In this particular play of Shakespeare, as I've said before, the characters are really close to the real human being. Perhaps because Shakespeare tried to represent the society, the most common reasons for a murder, and this part of remorse that every human being can feel whenever something chaotic or out of the ethical and moral context of the individuals. In addition, Macbeth is a kind of fable, because every virtue is contrasted with and defect and this set of characteristics creates this "archetype" or "prototype" of the conception of human beings, those ones that cannot take decision by their own, because they are always manipulated by other people, but at the end they are the ones who act.  That is the case of Macbeth, because he was manipulated by Lady Macbeth, but at the end he wanted to kill anyone around him. Also Lady Macbeth is a manipulated being; nevertheless she is manipulated by her sins, because at first she was manipulated by her ambition, but in the final part the remorse dominates her in a psychosis that dramatically killed her.

The Elizabethan english was a real challenge, because all the contractions, vocabulary, the reasons why it was wrote in verse, and many other factors were the main problems for my occasional miss understanding and Alz Heimer attacks, but avoiding some thing, much part of the play was comprehensible. Now, I feel capable to read almost any book in english, because Macbeth gave me some bases for understand better texts.

I hated the language, but it's a successful (and enjoyable) challenge reading this novel.

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