domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

How Internet affects our life.

Internet is a very useful tool in which we can find information, entertainment and a faster way to be communicated with our partners; however, the internet can be unsafe, distrustful, and we have to be really careful when we use internet.  Nowadays, we have almost anything on hand and the need of searching books in libraries and bookstores are lesser than some years ago when internet wasn't open. Also, the need of sending mail has decreased and replaced by the electronic mail (as known as e-mail); nevertheless, this new form of mailing have provoked a worrying increase of spelling and grammar mistakes, because of the great amount of acronyms that are used in each language. 
Without considering the advantages and disadvantages of internet, it is a part of our life, without it all these technological revolution wouldn't be occurring,  and the progress os communication, animation, finances, and all the jobs created by internet would be only a  far dream apart of our reality. Even though internet provides too much possibilities of work, interpersonal relationships and  many other things, it also is one of the most common addictions in teenagers, because of the anxiety it provokes in them by seeing notifications in social networks, online games, etc.

Despite of all the health   problems the t we can have by the over exposition to computers' and cellphones' radiation, internet is a fundamental part of our civilization, and if someday it goes away, a period of chaos would be inevitable, because our social and working lives depend on internet more than ever. 

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