viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

Why piercings are the new "cool accessories"?

Since ancient civilizations such as egyptians, mayans, aztecs, and others used piercings for religious issues, class position, the amount of years of the people, and as a evidence of strength. However, the concept of piercings that the western countries have nowadays is related to teenage vandalism, certain urban tribes where piercings are an important trend, and even to be like some celebrities who have them. Notwithstanding, piercings are well seen in women, because is a symbol of femininity and, in a certain manner, to distinguish the from boys when they are little.

Nowadays, piercings are used on strange places for reach some kind of increase in pleasure, social status in certain groups and individuality. But, in the most part of enterprises, institutions, and  labor spaces  it is forbidden the use of them. These type of limits in the labor and education areas may be a strong reason for the disrepute of piercings. Also this type of corporal modification has risks, but their complications are in percentage lesser than in tattoos or other types of body art.

It is not bad to wear piercings, but it must be a decision of the person and not  a decision from social pressure, of fashion trends. Piercings may be a new form to separate urban social circles where the western trends are in constant change, but if it does not has a limits between them, the real significance of piercings as in other cultures more related to nature and spiritualism.

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